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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Topics


1. Should I adopt a male or female puppy?
I get this question all the time. I have no preference, my males and females are equally as intelligent and I’ve not found a difference with the potty training aspect. Some people worry about the menstruation of a female and “marking the territory” of a male. If you get your new puppy fixed around 6 months of age you should not have to worry about these issues.
2. What are the benefits of spaying and neutering our dog?


  1. Lives a longer and healthier life
  2. Helps reduce uterine infections and breast cancer. Spaying your dog before her first heat offers the best protection.
  3. No heat cycles, therefore eliminating bleeding.
  4. Helps fight pet overpopulation
  5. Eliminates unwanted pregnancies


  1. Prevents testicular cancer if neutered before 6 months of age.
  2. Reduces or eliminates the marking of territory and spraying
  3. Better behaved
  4. Prevents unwanted pregnancies
  5. Helps reduce the roaming attributed to finding a mate. Therefore, reducing the risk of fighting with other males and injury in traffic.
  6. Helps fight the pet overpopulation

Spaying or neutering does not make your pet over weight.

3. What age do you let your puppies go home?

They have to be at least 8 weeks old to go to their new home. The time may be different for each puppy, they will stay here until they are completely ready to go to their new home. My first concern is the welfare of the puppy. I do not want any problems for either you are the puppy when you get home.

4. Can I come see my puppy before I pay for it?

Of course, you are welcome to see your puppy before you buy it 😉

5. Why is dog breeding important?

Dog breeding is important because, when dogs reproduce without human intervention, their offspring’s characteristics are determined by natural selection. While in planned dog breeding refers specifically to the artificial selection of dogs, in which dogs are intentionally bred by their owners.

6. How can I get my puppy to stop chewing on everything?

Chewing is a natural behavior. When you leave something enticing in a young puppy’s path, chances are they’re going to chew on it. That’s why it’s up to you to puppy proof your home. If you think your puppy could eat an object, get it out of their reach. That’s another reason why crates are so useful — they help keep your pup out of trouble. Give your puppy plenty of toys that are safe for them to chew on. Food puzzles and interactive toys can help keep their mind occupied.

7. Why doesn’t my puppy like being picked up by my kids?
Most children are unaware of the signals that dogs send when they don’t like something or are trying to get away. So by picking a puppy up, the kids are unwittingly forcing the dog into an uncomfortable or even painful situation. Dogs who are continuously held even when sending “please stop!” signals will remember the unpleasant experience and try to avoid the situation again. Take the time to teach the children what the dog looks like when he’s happy and when he’s not and how to hold him properly.
8. Can I have a video clip of a specific puppy?

We do not have video clips on all of our puppies due to the large amount of time that it takes. Digital pictures are updated frequently.

10. What Is Puppy Socialization?

Socialization is the process of introducing your puppy to new sounds, smells, people, and objects to help them become comfortable in new situations. The best time to socialize a dog is during puppyhood when they’re between three to 20 weeks old. During this socialization window, your dog is naturally more curious and open to new experiences. You can also socialize with an adult dog or older dog, but it is a slower process—you have to break bad habits and combat anxiety and fear.

11. How Can I Socialize My Puppy?

There are various strategies for puppy socialization: introducing them to new people and family members, discouraging nipping, and exposing them to loud noises, new environments, or unfamiliar situations. To best socialize your puppy, think of the things they’ll commonly encounter as they age (for instance, noisy children or other dogs). Make sure that your puppy acclimates to those experiences when they’re young.

Purchasing A Puppy 

1. What size will my puppy be as an adult?

This is a one of the toughest questions that I get on a daily basis, because no one really knows for sure the size a puppy will be as an adult. I have also included the weight of the parents on the individual puppy page. Using parents weights to judge the weight of your new puppy is not always perfect. Genetics often come into play and the size of grandparents and even great grandparents can also be a factor. Because we have over 15 years experience with raising these sweet babies, I can always give you my estimation of a puppy’s adult size.

2. How Does Securing a Deposit Work?
Contact me either by phone or email to make sure the puppy you want is still available. Then you are welcome to press the Reserve Me button and follow the directions from there. Make sure to fill out the Buyers Information Form on this page. A non-refundable $500 deposit will go toward the price of your puppy (3% fee will be included). $500 will go toward the price of your puppy and you pay the balance in cash when you pick up your new baby.
3. Do you ship your puppies?
Not at this time, but you are welcome to fly to us to pick up your puppy in person.
4. Do I have to have a Pay Pal account to buy a puppy?
No, you do not have to have a Pay Pal account. You can sign in as a guest user and use your debit or credit card.
5. How do I know this is not a scam?

*Check out our facebook page, where many of our past families have posted comments and pics of their puppies that they have adopted from Princess Puppies.
*We have a verified Pay Pal account in good standing for the last 15 years.
*We will never ask you to wire money.
*We have reference upon request.
*Check out our testimonial page
*Please read our blog post Beware of Puppy Scams

6. Why should I buy my puppy from Princess Puppies?

*We offer a Health Guarantee above and beyond almost anyone. This is our way of letting you know that we stand behind our puppies.
*We have been raising puppies for 15 years and have the knowledge base that goes along with that.
*We always vaccinate and deworm our puppies.
*We provide as much education as possible to ensure that your puppy has a smooth transition from our home to yours.
*We care about the emotional & physical health of our animals. We strive to produce healthy, happy and well socialized puppies.
*Most of our customers are sent to us by word of mouth from past families that have adopted from Princess Puppies.
*Please read our Code of Ethics

7. Is this a puppy mill?

This is absolutely NOT a puppy mill. Our dogs are very well cared for, loved and each one is special in their own way to our family. No amount of money is more important than the emotional and physical health of my animals. I have heard people say, “watch our for people with more than one breed.” That offends me!! I love all my breeds and don’t want to pick only one specific breed to raise and enjoy. This is the hobby I have dreamed of since I was a little girl and I take pride in knowing that my four-legged babies are so loved and well taken care of.

Care And Feeding

1. What is my puppy's feeding schedule?

Your little puppy should be eating every 3-4 hours for the first couple weeks after going to their new home. Eating frequently will help reduce to chance of your puppy experiencing Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). I suggest leaving the dry puppy food and water out at all times so they can eat when needed. You can get your new baby on a feeding schedule after they get a little older.

2. What is my puppy eating?
Your new puppy will be eating dry food. You will need to purchase Royal Canin Mini puppy dry food. Also, pick up a couple cans of Royal Canin Appetite Enhancer at Pets Mart or Pet Co. just in case your new puppy isn’t eating well the first day. Sometimes, going to a new home is stressful and they don’t want to eat as well until they feel comfortable. It is very important that your puppy eats, if you are having trouble please make sure you call me asap!
3. What if my puppy will not eat?
This does not happen very often but sometimes going to a new home can be very stressful. Often their stomach may be a little nervous just as the way a human can be affected by a big change. If they will not eat their dry food you can offer some Cesar wet food. If they will not eat this, give them a little Karo Syrup, honey or Nutrical (about the size of a dime). Call me for suggestions! Do Not let your puppy go without eating and drinking, they will become hypoglycemic and dehydrated.
4. What should I bathe my new puppy with?
Oatmeal shampoo is always a good choice, it’s very soothing to their skin and don’t dry it out. (I love the Chi brand in the red/silver bottle. You can find this at Petsmart or Pet Co. Keep the water out of his eyes, nose and ears. You can also warm up a towel in the dryer and towel dry your new baby as much as possible before using the dryer. Turn the dryer on low warm setting and make sure you completely dry around their ears, legs, neck and face.
6. What treats do you recommend for my new puppy?

Your new puppy is used to getting Nu Vet Plus, this is all natural and a full spectrum immune system booster to keep you puppy healthy. Ingredients are human grade also, YIPPEE!!! Not only is Nu Vet Labs great for their health, here at Princess Puppies we use it as a treat and they LOVE it! It is liver based and tastes so good to them! Yummmmyyy! It is NOT sold in stores, so you will need to order it. Order it now, so you will have it when your new puppy comes home.

TO ORDER CALL: 800-474-7044

7. When can I take my puppy to the dog park?
If your puppy hasn’t gotten the proper vaccines yet, it’s not a good idea to take them to public places like the dog park, where they could contract a deadly disease like parvo. The dogs at the dog park could be ill or unvaccinated. It’s not worth the risk; wait until your vet gives the all-clear.
8. When is the right time to show your dog affection?
When the dog is submissive and acting calm. He will be holding his head low, with his ears relaxed and slightly back. He might curl into a circle. Basically, he is slinking himself smaller, telling you he does not wish to be boss. You can give your dog all the love and affection you wish at this time.

Do not give your dog affection when he is excited, or when he is showing signs of dominance—very perky and proud, looking and asking you for attention. A dog that is asking to be petted is demanding that you do something for him. A demand from a dog is an alpha behavior. Alpha’s behavior can also be seen when he carries himself proud with a stance that makes him look bigger. His ears will be perked. When dogs carry themselves like this they look beautiful, but in the dog world, this is a dog trying to puff himself out for the role of the leader. Dogs should not be petted or sweet-talked at this time.

When a dog is showing signs of dominance the dog should receive no affection until you are able to make him realize he is not the boss and he accepts it and begins to act submissive. The more submissive and stable-minded the dog gets, the more love you can give him. Dogs should not get any affection until the dominance is under control. Your affection will reinforce whatever mind frame (in human words, “mood”) the dog is in.

9. How much does my puppy need to eat?
This all depends on a few factors: the nutrient content and digestibility of the food and the size of your puppy. Small-breeds need to eat more frequent meals to avoid hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), they also have tinier teeth and should eat small-kibble food. When it comes to large and giant-breed puppies, do not overfeed them. Many people assume filling their puppies bowl to the brim will help them grow big and strong, but this can contribute to the development disorders. Large or giant breed puppies should be fed a diet specifically formulated to large or giant breeds. If you are not sure, always ask your vet.
10. Are there human foods that are safe for dogs?
Yes. Slices of apples, oranges, bananas, and watermelon make tasty treats for your dog. Be sure to remove any seeds first, though. Seeds, stems, and leaves can cause serious problems. These foods should not be fed to dogs: grapes, raisins, avocados, ice cream, milk products, yeast dough, alcohol, caffeine, macadamia nuts, bones, candy, gum, chocolate, fatty meats, peaches, plums (because of the pits) raw eggs, raw fish, raw meat, and Xylitol (a sweetener found in many sugar-free products).
10. Should I brush my pet’s teeth?
The answer to this question is a resounding yes! It is very important to brush your pet’s teeth on a regular basis, using pet toothbrushes and pet toothpaste of course! You may want to know why teeth cleaning is so important. See the facts below to further understand why your pet needs his pearly whites in mint condition!

  • Signs of teeth and gum diseases begin occurring in 80% of dogs after reaching the age of 3. 
  • Because of the fact above, veterinarians recommend yearly professional cleanings, especially as your pet gets older, along with daily brushing by pet owners to combat this.
  • The serious effects of dental problems can be prevented by proactive, preventative care. Help your pet with his beautiful smile; in doing so you will be promoting overall good health!

Potty Training

1. How do I potty train my new puppy?

Puppy Pad Training is recommended until fully vaccinated!! There are many different ways to house train puppies. One option for house training your puppy is to teach him to pee on a house training pad. Teaching your puppy to pee on a pad is very similar to teaching him to relieve himself on newspapers. Instead of newspapers you’ll be using house training pads designed for the purpose.

Choosing Where To Put The Pads

In order to train your puppy to use house training pads you should place the pads in the area you have chosen for your puppy to use. Ideally, this will be a somewhat confined area so your puppy will have a smaller choice about places to go. A kitchen, den or laundry room often makes a good choice. Any room with a tile or linoleum floor is a good choice since floors of this type are easy to clean if your puppy has an accident.

Watch For Signs

Once you have everything set up you should help your dog get started using the house training pad. You can do this by spending time with him and watching for signs that he needs to relieve himself. As soon as you see the signs, take your puppy to the house training pad and give him a word so he can associate it with the pad such as “potty” or “papers.” Your puppy should use the house training pad as designed. Make sure you praise your puppy to let him know that he’s done a good thing.

Put Your Puppy On A Schedule

Although your puppy may catch on that he’s supposed to use the house training pad, he may still need frequent encouragement at first. You can help your puppy if you will put him on a definite schedule. Take your puppy to the pad as soon as he wakes up in the morning, right after he eats, when he wakes up from naps, and right after he has a big play session. These are all times when puppies usually need to potty. You should also make sure your puppy uses the pad before he goes to sleep at night.

Watch for accidents

Your puppy will almost certainly have a few accidents so don’t be surprised by them. He’s only a puppy and he will make mistakes. If you catch your puppy in the act of having an accident then you should clap your hands or make some other loud noise to startle him and let him know that this is inappropriate behavior. Carry him to the house training pad and encourage him to finish there. Then praise him. If you find an accident after it’s already happened, let it go. Puppies have a short attention span and if you punish your puppy for something that’s already happened he won’t have any idea why he’s being punished. Instead, take the blame yourself and make a mental note to watch for the signs more closely the next time.

2. When should I start training my puppy?
Start as soon as you bring your puppy home. You’ll probably want to work on housebreaking, foundational commands like sit and stay. Work on stopping their jumping behavior and teaching them to walk on a loose leash. That’s a lot! But you don’t need to do it all at once. Keep training sessions short and fun.

Make sure to practice reward-based, positive reinforcement training technique.

Puppy Health

1. Has my puppy been de-wormed and are they up to date on vaccinations?
Yes, your puppy will be up to date on all vaccinations and de-wormings and the health record will be provided when you pick up your new puppy.
2. When should I take my puppy to the vet?
It is suggested to bring your new puppy within 7 days to the vet for a complete head to tail check. This should be a health check only, no vaccinations are given at this time, as this is still a stressful time for the puppy and a vaccination could suppress the immune system. This is my recommendation of my veterinarian.
3. What if my puppy gets nauseated on the way home?

Nausea sometimes occurs but don’t be alarmed! Puppies often get motion sickness in the car, just bring a towel, soft blanket and some baby wipes just in case.

7. When should I give my pet medication for heartworm, fleas, or ticks?

It is always best to consult with your vet regarding any specific pet medication question; that being said, there are some general guidelines you can follow regarding these three types of common treatments.

  • Heartworm medication should be provided for pets on a consistent basis by the time they reach the age of six months. This is especially relevant for areas of the globe, like North America, where mosquitoes, the carriers of heartworm, are relatively prevalent.
  • Flea medication can be applied as a preventative or on an as-needed basis, i.e., when infestation occurs! There are various types of flea medication including pills and ointment. Some work better than others, so talk to your vet!
  • Much of the time, medications on the market combat both ticks and fleas at the same time. So when should you invest in these types of pills? Some people try to be proactive in fighting off these pests since ticks especially can be very harmful for our pets if they pounce. During the months of summer and spring, the likelihood of infestation is at it’s highest, but that doesn’t mean the bugs won’t show up when the weather gets cold! A breakdown of this winter tick and flea reality can be found here in an article by PetMD. Though fleas and ticks are less prevalent at certain times to be sure; during winter, medication is still a good idea
9. How do I choose the best toys for small breed puppies?

When choosing the best toys for small breed puppies, consider their size, chewing habits, and level of activity. Toys should be appropriately sized to prevent choking hazards and durable enough to withstand teething. Interactive toys are also beneficial for mental and physical stimulation.

Contact us

If you would like to request additional information about available puppies, please enter your contact information and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We would love to hear from you! Please read the FAQ PAGE before calling. 

Pure Breeds


Yorkshire Terriers
Beautiful, Confident & Courageous!


Gorgeous, Loving & Enchanting!


Super Smart, Fun & Loving!


Affectionate, Fun & Smart!

Designer Breeds


Happy, Loving & Awesome!


Sweet, Sassy & Social!


Wonderful Family Companions!


Beautiful Soft Curls & Bouncy Personalities


Fun, Fiesty & Fabulous!


Bichon Mixes
Happy-Go-Lucky, Smart, & Playful!


Loving, Happy & Healthy!

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